Posted March 29, 2014
Read the March 28, 2014 newsletter!
Dear parents and students,

   I am privileged to spend my days with young people and with teachers, administrators and staff, coaches, parents, and school supporters who are part of a community working together to build something that can be beautiful and life-altering, not only for the students, but also for the adults involved. I believe that happiness and confidence grow from persistence and genuine achievement and that we can help our young people create their own good luck through their own hard work. After all, the world that our children will face in the future will ask more of them than to just show up.

   With Easter nearly upon us, and with the fervent hope that spring truly is just around the corner, we should be mindful of our mission to bring out the best in one another, to focus on the positive aspects of situations and people, and to let go of minor irritations. When we do these things, we are, indeed, looking into the face of God and adding our own measure of goodness to this world. Perhaps it seems like such a small thing but the impact can be monumental.

Debra K. Sullivan, Principal

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